As an aesthetic provider, your mind is focused on patient care. Unfortunately, staying on top of your inventory of products, tools, and supplies can get pushed to the back burner. Medical inventory management is too often an afterthought, feeling like a time-consuming, overwhelming job that nobody wants to do. However, it does not have to be this way.

Quality Practice Management Software (PMS) does many things for your office including accounting, scheduling, and marketing. One additional benefit of PMS is its ability to help with inventory control.  Designed for the modern healthcare provider, the integrated inventory control tool is an effective way to keep track of stock items and upcoming purchases, saving your staff time, reducing errors, lowering costs, and increasing profit. The four key ways that PMS can make a significant improvement in your inventory control include:

1. Track Inventory with PMS

Practice Management Software will quickly tell you what inventory you have on hand and alert you when an item is running low. From any computer, staff can check if an item is in stock or look up a price. Additionally, as new inventory arrives, each item will be scanned in, immediately updating the inventory list. The inventory control feature monitors stock levels in real-time, preventing the embarrassment of running out of an essential item.

Time and again, each provider will go through the same set of supplies every time they repeat a particular procedure. For ease, a procedure preference card can be created. Instead of staff entering each of the items used, one by one, the employee only needs to scan the preset preference card. This will then tick off all of the tools and products normally used, with the options to manually add any additional items.

2. Predict Future Needs

One advantage of PMS inventory control is its ability to predict upcoming holes in your supply closet. Not only will you know when an item is suddenly running low, but your PMS can also be set to remind you which items need to be ordered on a routine basis. Using periodic automatic replenishment (PAR), you can set the minimum and the maximum number of items to keep in stock.

An easy mistake for any medical office is letting the lesser-used products expire on the shelf. Your PMS will track expiration dates, helping to prevent them from being dispensed to clients. This also tells you which products are not moving, and ensures you know what items need reordering.

3. Ordering with PMS

Your PMS system is capable of integration with supply vendors, making it easier than ever to replace low stock. Routine orders are taken care of with PAR. Then, when you are ready to purchase specific items, you will have a direct connection to your supplier’s catalog, eliminating tedious searches or failed attempts at reaching busy sales reps. Electronic receipts and purchase records can be kept in the desired location for simple access later on.

4. Create reports

One benefit of an accurate inventory system is detailed weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly inventory/sales reports, ready at the touch of a button. Not only will your PMS system report supply usage, but this integrated software can also further break down inventory movement using multiple variables, such department or staff member. Purchases can be recorded in each patient’s electronic health record, then easily accessed for future sales or marketing events. A PMS system will help you get the most out of your inventory, telling you how well the retail side of your practice is really doing.

BoomerangFX: Practice Management Software for Inventory Control

When considering a PMS system, be careful to choose the one that offers integration for inventory control. BoomerangFX is a comprehensive, flexible PMS system, designed by a doctor specifically for medical practice. Remember, your reputation in patient care is one of the most important assets your office has. Protect your brand and your finances through quality inventory control.

Fill out our Contact Us form to have a BoomerangFX representative reach out to you. Ask about how you can try out a BoomerangFX PMS demo for free.

The last thing on your mind may be your practice software because, after all, you are busy with patients. However, if you are using an outdated system, you are no doubt spending too much time managing the practice instead of nurturing your practice. A modern, effective PMS will get everything your clinic needs in a smooth and efficient manner. So how do you know when it is time to change your medical spa PMS? Here are seven signs the time is now:

1. You Are Cobbling Multiple Systems Together

Does your MedSpa need more than one software program to get everything done? If you are using several programs that are incompatible with each other, just to have some sense of automation, it’s time for a new PMS.

BoomerangFX offers a robust PMS complete with a suite for scheduling, inventory, EMR, and marketing – everything you need to get the job done with a single, integrated software.

2. You Have Large Stacks of Paper Scattered Around the Front Office

If your front office staff is slowly being buried under endless stacks of papers, files, and sticky notes, your practice is not running efficiently. With an overload of paper, reports get lost, reminders overlooked, and patient forms quickly get out of hand.

BoomerangFX helps your office go paperless, saving you the cost of printing, copying, and storing these documents. We help you keep everything in its place including records, billing, and marketing.

3. Your Software Doesn’t Offer Automatic Updates

Updates on old software eventually cease. Even when an update does come out, downloading and installing it is complicated and time-consuming.

Software updates with BoomerangFX are automatic, so you never have to worry about making changes or struggling with a slow download.

4. Your IT Guy is All the Software Support You Have

Do you have your office IT guy on speed dial? If he is the only person you have to support your staff through software glitches or server trouble, your practice will thank you for new PMS.

BoomerangFX offers 24/7 support on the phone, via email, or instant message. Our team will walk you and your staff members through any issues, small or large, if they are in the building or working remotely. Our job is to keep your practice flowing at 100%.

5. You Are Still Maintaining an In-Office Server

Chances are, if you have a server tucked away in your office, then you probably know how devastating it can be if something goes wrong. The stress of protecting your server falls directly on you. You must ensure it’s in a secure location or you risk a security/data breach or losing all of your data should there be a flood, fire, or natural disaster.

BoomerangFX offers cloud-based PMS, keeping all of your data and patient files encrypted and safe. If you are in a patient exam room, or at a conference across the country, you can easily log into your practice site and work get your work done.

6. Your Monthly Reports Are Put Together with Excel

Without an integrated, all-encompassing PMS, gathering together your monthly reports take up your valuable time and risk being incomplete with lackluster accounting.

With BoomerangFX, you can meticulously monitor all aspects of your practice, including the finances. Create customized reports using real-time information that even include expenditure and revenue forecasts.

7. You Know What It’s Like to Run Out of Supplies or Retail Items

No one wants the job of manually checking inventory so the estimate of supplies or products is often inaccurate. Unfortunately, poor inventory control can mean frustration, embarrassment, and a loss in sales revenue.

BoomerangFX has a full suite of Inventory Management Software, designed to precisely manage your stock levels of treatment supplies and retail items. As an item is used or a new shipment arrives, the inventory count is immediately updated. Staff members can check prices and availability of retail products from any computer.

Do any of the above sound all too familiar? BoomerangFX has a free demo waiting for you, so take a minute to see what our Practice Management Software can do for your medical spa or aesthetic clinic.

Turning leads into patients is a vital part of any medical practice. Sometimes, however, this process can feel almost impossible. By breaking the conversion process into small steps, turning leads into patients can easily be mastered by any aesthetic clinic.

1. Create Your Brand

Prospective patients need to see your office and remember the brand. Think about the demographics of your customers, their most desired procedures, and the impression you want to sell. Keep the dialogue you use online and on social media in a conversational tone that speaks to the lay patient, while always remembering your target audience. Patients that cannot relate to you will not choose your practice.

2. Design Your Website

If it has been more than two years since your website was updated, it is probably out-of-date. As the inaugural stop for potential patients, first impressions mean everything. Your website must clearly tell visitors who you are and what you offer, delivering inviting and eye-catching content. This information will entice the visitor to stay a while, turning them into a lead. Getting your visitor to sign up for more information provides their name, email address, and demographics – ready to use during future marketing campaigns.

Include easy links for:
o Subscribing to your blog
o Downloading content
o Asking a question
o Requesting additional information
o Scheduling a consultation

3. Craft a Strategic Email Marketing Campaign

Your marketing strategy should begin with a clear understanding of the intended audience. Direct your email marketing at the right group of potential patients with lead segmentation. Use the information you gathered from your website. This patient data, gathered patient interactions on your website, will give you the knowledge to send targeted emails to those interested in a specific treatment or technique.

4. Create Content to Engage and Nurture Leads

There are many opportunities to fill your website with informative content. Write blogs that are useful to your reader, using keywords and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Before/after photographs and videos will keep your content unique, promote your brand, and grab a visitor’s attention. Utilize the E.A.T. theory (expertise, authority, and trust) to work when trying to determine quality content that will rise to the top of a Google search.

5. Set Up Your Paid Advertising

Although many of the methods for converting leads into patients can be done with little cost to you, paid advertising is still a must. Paid media is extremely effective at generating leads, sparking conversations, and ultimately, bringing new patients into your office. Monitor your advertising choices carefully, ensuring a good return on your investment (ROI). Detailed monthly reports will be necessary to see which ads reach your target audience and create lucrative leads.

6. Bonus: Enlist Help with BoomerangFX

Running a busy aesthetic practice, it can be hard to find the time for marketing and lead conversion. This is where a good Practice Management Software (PMS) comes in. The adaptable software will curate your patient database, automate lead-segregated emails, keep meticulous inventory, order supplies, and deliver customizable reports.

One of the key features of a good PMS is staged tracking and conversion. BoomerangFX will track unclosed leads, unclosed consults and ensure you reach out to them automatically, increasing your lead and consult conversion is optimized. Similarly, BoomerangFX’s CRM (client relationship management) algorithm will notify you (and the client) when active clients (e.g. Botox, filler or laser and energy patients) are due for their next treatment, which leads to an increase in sales!

A PMS system will tackle all of these and more, giving you added time to focus on lead conversion and growing your practice that track all the right information about your leads.

BoomerangFX offers a robust, comprehensive PMS system designed by a cosmetic surgeon specifically for aesthetic practices. Nobody understands the needs of a busy cosmetic office or MedSpa like BoomerangFX. Sign up for a complimentary demo and see what the rave reviews are all about.

A modern aesthetic clinic, such as a cosmetic practice or medical spa, no longer has to make just any Practice Management Software (PMS) work. There are many PMS systems made specifically for this type of practice, however, they are not all the same. A cosmetic clinic or medical spa should choose a PMS with the following features:

1. Appointment Scheduling

Look for PMS that makes scheduling patients quick and easy. It is important to keep in mind, PMS for the aesthetic practice needs to be able to handle multiple providers across more than one office while allowing many users at one time. This will keep your office moving smoothly and decrease errors such as double booking. A call tracking and call management system is a plus.

2. Easily Integrated

When adding a new PMS, make sure it will integrate with your existing patient data and electronic health records (EHR) so no information is lost during the transition. Although in the past you may have had more than one system on board, a new PMS means everything will be consolidated. Your new software should be equipped for the data migration process.

3. Report Creation

Without customizable, comprehensive reports, a PMS cannot be effective. The system you choose should have dozens of premade templates, with the option to create unique reports. Patient documents, compliance forms, and staff documentation forms should be simple to find and print. Your PMS should also store your data and forms, easily accessed with a user-friendly dashboard.

4. Billing Feature

Purchase PMS with a private accounting suite designed for automated billing, tracking delinquent accounts, and creating quotes. A system designed for the aesthetic practice will handle point of sale (POS), inventory control, and track commission. Your PMS accounting suite will also make the bookkeeping for your office expenditures a breeze.

5. Inventory Control

Automated inventory control will maintain all of your supplies and retail items. Choose a PMS that allows staff to check volume/price from any workstation in the office. A quality PMS can alert you when an item is low or automatically place an order with your favorite vendor, ensuring you never run out of anything.

6. Marketing

Find PMS made for aesthetic marketing. It should allow you to keep in touch with existing patients while attracting new clients and turn leads into customers. This software should be able to use the data collected from your patients and site visitors to curate email campaigns. This system can automatically send follow-up emails and appointment reminders.

7. Patient Retention

Your PMS should have a proven patient retention management module, featuring a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. This will include an effective communication system to ensure patients are satisfied and will return. Patient reminders, birthday greetings, appointment confirmation, and emails/newsletters generated around their unique needs.

8. 24/7 Customer Support

Your newly purchased PMS needs to include a support network that can be reached any time, day or night. Beginning with training, the PMS should get your staff up and running, while hosting videos and FAQs for additional education. Help should be a click or phone call away for the life of your system. Invest in a PMS that offers ongoing, automatic, and free software updates.

When you start looking for PMS designed for an aesthetic office, start with BoomerangFX. Created by a cosmetic surgeon, BoomerangFX is made to fit the needs of cosmetic surgeons and medispas. Our robust PMS brings together all of these key features in one, easy to use platform. The software includes extensive accounting, scheduling, and marketing suites that bring in patients and retains them. Our PMS ensures your office runs efficiently and remains flexible for a growing practice. Try BoomerangFX PMS for yourself with a free demonstration.

In today’s aesthetic practice, there is almost nothing that cannot be taken care of electronically, from scheduling and coding to billing. Automation can make things simpler and faster. However, unless your office is utilizing an integrated software system, that encompasses every online task, you may not be maximizing efficiency and the effectiveness of your office. A quality Practice Management Software (PMS), designed specifically for the aesthetic practice, can significantly improve staff efficiency and practice organization.

Practice Management Software Benefits:

There are many reasons to consider a PMS system for your aesthetic practice. The program makes it easy to maintain electronic health records (EHR), maximize coding, set up online billing, tailor patient communications, and keep track of all patient information through a private, HIPPA-compliant system. Optimizing administrative and financial duties, PMS saves both time and money.

1. Streamline Accounting

A PMS system will streamline your entire accounting process, from coding to billing, making life easier and your office more productive. Quickly find the proper ICD codes for higher reimbursements. Additionally, with automated billing and alerts for delinquent accounts, revenues will go up.

2. Enhanced Documentation

The PMS system offers enhanced documentation, ensuring staff stay in compliance with current HIPAA regulations and mandates. The software program integrates with your existing electronic health records (EHR) and can easily and quickly update patient information for more accurate records.

3. Meticulous Inventory control

Practice Management Software offers inventory control, meticulously monitoring supplies. From any computer in the office, the staff can check availability and cost. As inventory runs low, the system will send an alert or place an automatic reorder with your vendors.

4. Convenient Patient and Staff Scheduling

Simplify scheduling across multiple locations and multiple providers. With an easy-to-read dashboard, avoid double booked appointments and any holes in the daily schedule. The scheduling feature automatically sends appointment reminders for fewer no-shows. Use the PMS system to keep track of staff scheduling, as well.

5. Follow your Practice’ Progress

Your PMS system can create an array of reports, giving you an advantage for following trends and practice performance. The software gives you the tools and knowledge to detect any issues early on and achieve resolution before they escalate.

Additional Benefits of BoomerangFX PMS:

BoomerangFX offers a PMS designed by a cosmetic surgeon, for aesthetic practices. In addition to the many perks of a traditional PMS system, BoomerangFX also offers:

• Cloud-based platform
• Adaptable any size practice
• Call management center for better patient communication
• Powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tool
• Patient loyalty program for improved retention
• Track patient conversion
• Customizable reporting
• Rich suite of compliance documents and forms
• Treatment tracking modules
• Inventory control that predicts future needs
• Strategic emails and marketing
• Safe, security encryption to ensure compliance with HIPPA and PIPEDA regulations
• Easy to use database migration module
• Option for 99.9% internet server guarantee
• Free software upgrades at no charge

See the benefits of BoomerangFX for yourself by signing up for a complimentary demo or sign up for one year of BoomerangFX PMS and receive your first month free, with no setup and migration fee.

What is Customer relationship management (CRM)? 

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an advanced algorithm designed to better manage your aesthetic practice’s current clients and potential patients. A good CRM will give the relationship with your existing patients a boost by streamlining automation, increasing sales, and upping profits. The algorithm takes data on your existing clients, analyzes it, and reshapes the information in a manner that betters communication while increasing retention rates.

BoomerangFX Practice Management Software (PMS) is a CRM algorithm enabled, with a robust Client Retention Module. Our software will track clients based on your designated parameters, including age, treatment, and money spent. The CRM tool will remind you when these patients should return to your office based on their previous experiences.

BoomerangFX CRM Can:

o Allow you to track and manage inquiries

o Convert leads into paying patients

o Retain patients

o Get back ‘lost’ patients

o Boost customer service

o Optimize marketing campaigns

o Organize patient data including appointments, quotes, receipts, and credits

o Store all patient data in one, organized location for easy reference

o Simplify uploads of new data into your patient files

Track Sales for Amplified Retention Rates

BoomerangFX’s CRM tool uses a collection of powerful features to leverage patient data. Our software identifies purchases, missed sales, and the customers that have been the most profitable for your practice. We then allow you to focus communications on those patients most likely to purchase again. We foster engagement with these patients through automated, curated and personal reminders throughout the year. Targeting promotional materials will dramatically improve overall conversion and retention rates. Creating a solid base of loyal customers, BoomerangFX PMS with the CRM tool will increase your injectable and energy based clients by up to 80%. Better retention rates mean stable future growth and increased revenue.

Streamline Your Efforts While Ensuring Customers Return

With BoomerangFX, there is no more wasted time and energy going through patient charts or receipts to review purchases. Our CRM streamlines the backend process by efficiently storing data on our platform. The simple, clear dashboard allows you to easily see everything about a patient in one place. BoomerangFX predicts who is most likely to schedule a return appointment, what for and when. With the touch of a keypad, add 25% or more to your injectable revenue without factoring in a single new patient. Additionally, the CRM tool handles automated delinquency callbacks, saving you valuable time and frustration while increasing cash flow.

BoomerangFX for the Aesthetic Practice

Your aesthetic practice is constantly inundated with data, coming in from every direction. Unless this data is turned into knowledge, it will not do you any good. That’s where BoomerangFX comes in. We offer practice management software designed by a cosmetic surgeon, created specifically for your aesthetic office.

From marketing to billing, our PMS will ensure your office runs smoothly while giving you the tools to build better customer relationships for retention and growth. Sign up for a free BoomerangFX demo today.

So you’re considering the purchase of practice management software (PMS) for your aesthetic office, to streamline your team’s daily tasks and improve office efficiency. But, choosing the right PMS is proving to be quite an intimidating task. The decision doesn’t have to be difficult, as long as you keep these four key factors in mind:

Ease of Use

It is important to choose PMS designed specifically for your particular medical specialty. Reach out to other physicians within your specialty to see how well they like their own software. When choosing PMS, ask if the new system will integrate with your existing electronic medical records system (EMR). Take advantage of an in-office demo, to ensure your staff feels comfortable with the system before you commit. With a good idea of your practice’s daily workflow, you can easily determine how user-friendly the PMS interface really is.  

Readily Accessible

Staff not only need easy access to your PMS in the office, but they may also need to login after hours from other locations. The right system for your aesthetic practice should be available whenever and wherever it is needed. Cloud-based PMS can be accessed by any team member with an internet connection, no matter where they happen to be. You also should be able to determine who gets access to specific modules, keeping patient and practice information safe and secure.


Before you start searching for the right system for you and your team, you need to know how much you’re willing to spend. Keep in mind, the total price includes the license to use the platform, as well as all training costs. Your PMS budget should also include maintenance, upgrades, patches, and cybersecurity. Remember, PMS is priced per month and some companies charge more based on the number of providers. While there may be a major price difference between vendors, never let cost be the only factor in this decision. If the price point is higher than what you were initially wanting to spend, consider the amount you will save with additional features.


No-one wants to get stuck with a frozen screen or system meltdown. The best PMS system will have continuous support, preferably both online and via telephone. Select a provider that offers 24/7 online assistance online, to get real-time support. Phone support is important to keep your business flowing smoothly too! Hiccups can be expected, but the best PMS will be there to help, getting support shouldn’t be a burden!

Could BoomerangFX be the right PMS for your aesthetic practice?

BoomerangFX is PMS for the aesthetic practice, designed by a plastic surgeon. The system was made specifically to meet the specific needs of a MedSpa or busy clinic. BoomerangFX is:

Dozens of aesthetic practices across Canada and the United States have already tried BoomerangFX. To find out if Boomerang FX is the right choice MedSpa or clinic, request a free demo today.

Today’s medical office must contend with a complex landscape of constantly changing technology, juggling a variety of tools and platforms every day. It takes a coordinated effort to effectively manage a successful cosmetic practice and medical spa, from scheduling to workflow and accounting to marketing. For the office to grow and profit, each piece of the puzzle must work together seamlessly. Practice management software is a unique tool designed specifically to streamline all the major tasks your team spends their time on every day. Saving time and energy, practice management software allows your staff and providers more time to focus on what is important: patients.

Practice Management Software:


How Practice Management Software Can Help Your Practice:

Practice management software is designed to be highly customizable to meet the needs of any clinic and medical spa, no matter their size. Your growing aesthetic office should expect practice management software to save valuable time and reduce stress, offering a measurable return on investment (ROI). Medical spa’s report an average:


Practice management software uses a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to follow and track leads. By offering real-time data, the software will help you discover hidden revenue and overlooked sales. Additionally, you will have the reports necessary to pinpoint areas that need action, great for training staff and boosting sales.


Our practice management software system includes integrated scheduling function for easy scheduling and to keep your staff productive. Team members can see other staff members shifts for a smooth office flow. A color-coded scheduling interface makes the patient scheduling software easy to use. Keep a detailed log of appointment times, the duration of each visit, and patient demographics. The software will send out automated appointment reminders through email or text message.

Billing and Accounting

Practice management software can take the administrative headache out of patient billing and reimbursements. Provide patient quotes, process payments, and balance out your office at the end of the day. The software gives you the tools you need to track inventory, eliminating the need for manual processes sing. Track bank deposits, refunds, and credits with ease.

Benefits of PM Software Include:

Empower Your Cosmetic Practice and Medical Spa with Patient Management Software from BoomerangFX:

BoomerangFX puts every tool your practice needs together on one, easy to use platform. Our practice management software was created by a plastic surgeon specifically for aesthetic professionals. Find out how much an innovative practice management software package can do for your office. Simply fill out our Contact Us form to learn more about BoomerangFX or to book a complimentary demo.

After seeing the impact the software had on his practice, Dr. Mulholland expanded the platform so he can share with other practices, giving them the ability to customize for their individual clinic.

With a built in CRM, BoomerangFX provides avenues to push new leads to your practice and retain patients.

About BoomerangFX:

The industry’s most powerful Patient Retention Management system: Don’t lose out on repeat business or patient retention because of bad information and no tracking system. Built in CRM system: Save time and money with an efficient system that allows you to manage all aspects of your customer relationships.

Stay tuned for more information on BoomerangFX, along with our informational series on practice management and growth, plus our exciting new webinars.

BoomerangFX, CRM, MedSpa Management Software